Final Boss!!!

Age 28, Male



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Posted by Boss - May 10th, 2019




5G. Gotta stop it.

But more positively what's poppin'?

ha ha haa clever!

But really though, how's it going with you?

im good man how about you? im just chillin tryna network and expand on the interweb

Cool cool. :) At work currently trying to get back to work... all good but busy times. Network and interweb expension's that endless (but good) grind.

very true! lately ive sort of been trying to siphon traffic to my redbubble page from other places online even though ive heard redbubble is sketchy as fuck sometimes and fucks over artists and has a ton of chinese style IP infractions, it supports putting patterns on print to demand products that can make a smaller shitty image that i have the capacity to make into atleast a more full looking product... if i put gimp past like 4k by 4k pixels it starts getting sort slow on my computer and im actually not computer savvy at all, just a internet version of a beach bum wave catcher

Interesting. Haven't heard much about Redbubble myself, just stumbled upon it occasionally. It's been around some time at least. If I'm not thinking of some other Red place that deals with similar things... design's definitely not the same as I remember it. Do you have a link there though? Nothing you're promoting here on NG yet (the sidebar here's a good place if you plan to)?

Gimp's a bit lighter than Photoshop too so I guess hardware's the limit there. Personally I love Fireworks, still use an old version from 2004 I think, it's like the best of web-based design, print, vector design and photo editing all in one, and without the bloat. Adobe eventually just ditched it and put everything into Photoshop though. But if you ever happen to stumble upon that it might be worth a try. It's both light to use and really light on system resources too. Just a little outdated by modern standards. And doesn't support print sixes at REALLY high resolutions, since it's mainly aimed at web. The limit's 10K width with the version I have. Maybe no limit with newer ones. 4Kx4K shouldn't be that heavy unless you're using a really high DPI otherwise. Don't know how the settings are for that with GIMP though. I tried it once. Got pretty lost. Stuck to Fireworks.

That sounds awesome though. :) Me I'm: way too deep into this world. It's not so healthy. But just hard to leave it. Big part of life. Work. Creative hobbies. Everything.

Hey putting a link on my page is actually a good idea i better do that now! I think having hobbies is pretty healthy and its going to get easier as time goes on to have our hobbies serve us in better ways, i think we are leaving the age where if you dont chop wood and carry buckets of water ur screwed, ofc theres merit to that, but yeah i think more and more resources are opening up for people to be able to do what they like so im hopeful..

i never heard of fireworks before! ill look it up

I see you did. :) And man that's some pretty artsy stuff! Such different styles with all of them too. I like the Pointing Guy and that Real Life repertoire. XD To actually wear though hmm... I may not be brave enough. Also didn't realize you had such a body of music there. Saving the best for NG?

That's true, but at the same time all that woodchopping and waterbucketing really builds physique, whereas sitting by the computer all day - no matter how mentally stimulating it is - seems to break you down in too large doses. I wouldn't mind a balance though. Chopping up some wood, then chipping away by the computer with an open fire crackling behind me. :) Modern life isn't sustainable enough either. Way too much consumption I think. Hoping society evolves in a way where we overcome our digital addictions and more so use them more to our benefit, and appreciate real work. Find a more balanced way to spend time. Appreciate time. Maybe that's just me not prioritizing the right things though.

Alright, let me know what you think if you try it. :) I think there are official serials available for the early versions too if those just aren't too old for you. Since the Macromedia activation server went down they're available to everyone.

I haven't been too sure how good of an idea connecting this account with my newer public image and identity would be since I have probably infinite dumb posts i made between 2006 to even now and I figure someday I will have to defend being an edgy kid who says the n word online without understanding basically any of the context behind it other than hearing it in rap songs and thinking it means "dude" or "friend" among other moments where i either painted myself as a horribly spoiled teenager full of miserable angst, or as i got older an unhinged very confused drug user, but there is a saying "no such thing as bad press" and my old rap music sort of has these same things Ive done in it too, so i figure i might as well connect all of my accounts online to make my presence larger... im still not entirely sure if im doing it the way that i should or if it will backfire on me but i guess i have to try and just wait and see.. also a lot of my rap music hasa lot of samples, albeit theyre really warped often so probably would never get detected and forced to be taken offthe site but i have felt like i shouldnt risk it because NG seems to catch a lot of unwarranted flak over copyright issues..

Its definitely true that using devices, and even phones, a lot is unhealthy, but I do love to go outside and go to events. I think creative hobbies are really compatible with these kinds of things, especially music festivals and raves, stuff like that. I would like to have the discipline to learn actual trades and higher functioning skills someday but i feel like it would be easier to get into when im older and have more resources and comfort, or maybe ill just never be too drawn to learning how to build a house, or whatever it may be...

and if i can nab a copy of macromedia fireworks for free that would be awesome... i actually would love to get macromedia flash 8 on here too if it would be easy to grab because that was sort of ironically one of my favorite versions along with cs3 even tho cs4 was my first version and i think i had even tried cs5 and maybe cs6 (did that exist or am I remembering this wrong? lol)

balancing is important and I think most people feel like they need to get better at it..

maybe i should put some of my rap songs on here and just give up using this account as a mask because im nervous about the dumb stuff i posted as a kid, not sure but it would obviously help it get views

Ah you've been through the faces! :D Yeah I can see how some of that might be damaging... but then again it goes to show how far you've grown now. Personally I've committed myself to staying true to my old me, no matter how much unlike the new me he is. I stood for what I said when I said it, when I knew no better. I can't change who I was so I won't hide it either. So much you can learn from the past you too. Both entertaining and enlightening to go through old posts and content and follow that personal evolution, IMO.

As for the samples though, yeah, it's a shame about that.

For sure. Currently watching this for example and if you trust the sources then it's severely depressing: https://youtu.be/ol3tAxnNccY

...technology's really not being used for the best possible purposes these days. I hope that'll change. Feels like it's all nearing a point where either it has to, or the damage will just be irreversible. But can't get sucked into that depression entirely! Of course, hobbies are great. Gotta keep going, and growing, and both making the world a better place and become a better person one day at a time! As for building a house that's one of my dreams actually. :) Maybe it's way better in my imagination though and I have no talent for such a quest but some day I shall try... it'd just feel pretty special to live in something that's entirely your own. We're definitely not all cut out for the same thing though.

Here's a link to those old serials: https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/macromedia-legacy-activation-error.html

Yeah CS6 did exist. XD I've played around with most of these too, mostly 8 and CS6, but right now I just have the old one installed. Way lighter on system resources... and I really need to upgrade too. Have a separate computer for gaming but it's way too loud and power hungry to have on all the time.

For sure. :)

I haven't listened enough to your old stuff yet to advice properly there. :P But do you have any new stuff on route too? Still something you're pursuing? If you get a fanbase for the new I'm sure they'll go looking for the old too. As long as there's an easy-to-find link somewhere. :P

Thank You for the links! I will have to watch that doc sometime because I hadnt heard alot about 5G being dangerous to people but i hadnt heard about it much at all either way, its always good to learn about new stuff. I remember some 9/11 docs convincing me on some things when i was younger but years later wondering if there was any movie magic at play, i mean ideally, and ive never seen a doc do exactly this, ideally the doc actually teaches you how to find sources of information and cross reference them... maybe only pHds do that lmao

How's going? :)

Its going awesome how are u? :)

Yeah your perspectives definitely change the more you know. :) For better or worse. I usually don't link to this kind of stuff (as in the kind not everyone's willing to believe) but it's starting to feel like I really have to do something this time. Spread awareness. If you'd rather read something shorter and a bit less brimming with potential conspiracy theories along with the facts: https://www.globalresearch.ca/5g-the-big-picture

Yeah I really should start paying more attention to references too. XD Not a PhD yet though! Feels like once you believe one side of the story it's easy to just ignore those. Why validate something you already believe in, personally? But when it's the other way around you realize it's pretty difficult to win someone over without them. Regarding 9/11 I'm not really sure what I believe. Haven't read up enough I guess, but I've heard the theories too. So much knowledge out there; so hard to separate the right from the wrong sometimes. Flat Earth though: can't say I think I'll ever believe in that.

Thanks for linking, if you ever feel like its your responsibility to try to spread awareness but you think people wont believe you could just express some kind of personal doubt in some way so that they dont feel guilty for ignoring the info or rejecting it, but then they might look at it and have it in their minds to start discussion about it...like say if i wanted to talk about how antifa seems to have a good meaning behind them but knowing not everyone representing them is doing the right thing etc. i could say i dont know about all of them, i dont know which groups are established where or doing what, i just think some themes of fascism are appearing in the world that need to stop.. and yes definitely fuck flatearth theory lmao. although, if flat earthers were talking about the conceptual origin of the world that the earth is flat and on a turtles back from the ancient stories, and that the ancient stories may have a greater metaphysical meaning that alludes to secrets about how the dimensions life exists and can exist in physical form, i would give them some slack and actually be interested in these kind of theories... but it sounds like they are all just sayin the earth is literally flat. i can get behind people saying nasa is lying about shit etc. -- theories like that have been prominent since alien sightings in the 40s 50s, maybe earlier, and area 51 is a fucking legendary conspiracy xD

anyways its really cool that this page could turn into something more and kind of reminds me of how user posts used to seem to matter more, idk if the format is different now because i do remember there being a stream you could find of new user posts and you could go and check out what people were saying, might still exist and i just dont know where but i could see website design lending the important of user posts to being a smaller thing as time goes on, who knows

Oh man this went deeper than I expected. XD That potential metaphysical meaning does sound somewhat intriguing... but yeah, it does seem like they just have no idea what they're talking about when they talk about that stuff. Gotta read up on that too though I guess. I hear convictions but no arguments. Would be interesting to know how it all started, and if maybe there's some truth at least in the roots of the movement. For sure regarding NASA. :) No moon landing theories too. Doesn't seem impossible. Regarding Antifa I really don't know a thing about them btw. Also not really on my side of the world. Lots to read up on.

Good point regarding opening for debate with a seed of doubt. It's like a way of opening up for critical thinking too. If you admit that you doubt something you're committed to, then maybe others will be able to doubt their absolute truths too. Could go a long way in basically just opening up for free though. I guess I do sort of do that by saying I realize not everyone will believe this, but then again the burden falls on the receiver there; not on me. If I'm not admitting any personal flaws other people probably won't either. Still too defensive. Probably also too convinced. XD I often feel like the least mainstream side is obviously the right side, especially when there are commercial interests involved that skew the public picture, but that'd apply for even the most fanatic ideologies so...

It's cool you were so open-minded too. :) News posts definitely felt like a bigger thing back in the day. And not so centered on promotion as most of them are now. Linking to either other social media or just advertising new stuff. I guess all outlets grow more professional over time though. And that stream isn't linked to anywhere either now, but still there: https://www.newgrounds.com/news

...it's a bit strange how newsposts don't feel as important even when user pages play such a centric role though. I guess the more visual things become the less focus on functionality. We get distracted easier. But maybe it's just the world as a whole right now. Too much distraction. Less time for real talk. It's good to talk though! Inspire and fire. Ideas in a dire state when we're here and we're wired. Gotta clear all the sirens. Beware and be viral. And share in the squire with stairs faring higher. Bare care and neath visors grow wiser, as misers that feast on the fires left behind by tyrants. Till we tire, abiding our fiery giants... come the day of the mighty riot with weary cheers and fearless fire hydrant pilots. Yeah...

Haha oh gosh I didn't even realize until now that you're from sweden! Are you bilingual??major props. I am definitely an ignorant american so i get like norway, sweden, denmark all mixed up in my head but I think norwegian has a syntax thats super close to english, idk if swedish is that way too? either way,twice the vocab = twice as smart in my eyes.

I definitely grew up with and into the idea that mainstream shit basically sucks and deserves more skeptic lens than the other sides in arguments, maybe its an underdog thing, like even if flat earth is obviously wrong it feels better to root them on in parody in some way? idk maybe thats why america is obsessed with trump now because they like the public being the underdog/like to rag on the pres so much lol i guess theres a million reasons for a million things though. as i understand life and knowledge to almost be a cult of what the self / mind lets it know to exist and create i guess i lean into mainstream ideas more and realize theyre maybe just older and more established, or bigger for one reason or another..

really cool to see that page does still exist, maybe Ill use it more and check out more news posts! kind of cool that its almost like a secret now

and btw DOPE RHYMES !!! :D

As you may have noticed I am indeed bilingual. ;) Grew up in international schools with American curriculum actually, so I had it a bit easier than most. Wasn't sure which my main language really was growing up. We spoke Swedish at home but it was English everywhere else. Syntax? You mean the order of words? Swedish and Norwegian are both pretty alike so if Norwegian's similar in some way I guess it'd be the same here. :) Danish is too btw. Tis alright to confuse us! If you know one language you can pretty much understand all three. Almost more like a dialectal difference than anything else. We have a lot of borrowed words from English but otherwise I'm not sure there are any real similarities though.

Also thanks. :) It's definitely a benefit being able to communicate in different parts of the world too. You get a long way with English but I've been to some countries where the people just didn't want to speak anything but their own language. Any Baltic country, basically. You feel kinda lost there, even if everything seems so similar otherwise. You happen to speak any other lingo btw? Spanish maybe?

Yeah, maybe. :) When supporters are being overly vocal about how obvious their theories are you kinda don't feel like giving that support, but otherwise yeah... definitely an underdog thing. maybe NG as an underdog bands together people of the type too. As for Trump he definitely made it thanks to that too, but at the same time he went through by majority vote right? So the people who voted for him CAN'T be underdogs. He's refreshingly direct though, I'll give him that. Just wonder if that's really how he really is or if there's an image he wants to maintain there too. So people keep feeling that way. I'm not that well-read on your politics otherwise but the'res really just one thing I really have against him: total disregard to environmental issues. Not sure Hilary would've been any better though.

Hmm well maybe mainstream's not exactly the right word for what I'm talking about. Commercial ideas? Industrial ideas? IDK. I just really don't believe in all the corporate conglomerates, and these days they control the world. If it's not directly it's via massive lobbying efforts behind our backs, and subtle propaganda, and social influence, and social engineering. Like even if I know that Coca Cola's a horrible company I can't help liking the product. They sponsored a field trip back in my middle school days to their factory, that age when you're most susceptible to outside influence. I'm definitely impressed with their marketing strategy too. :) Incredibly long-term. But there are definitely worse companies out there. Anyway...

Yeah I feel so too. XD Hope people still keep stumbling up in though. We all like comments and stuff. I stop by there sometimes and try to just post on as many posts as possible, especially introduction posts, but one thing I've noticed: there's a LOT more newspost activity right now! Way more new users than a couple years back.

Thanks man. :) Think I might've reached about some potential audio collab in the day btw? If not: definitely interested.

It took me five years to scroll to the bottom of the comments on this newspost @cyberdevil @boss

Lmao, thats pretty kewl! is your prefrontal cortex developed yet?

@Kiwi @Boss @Boss it became fully developed three months ago according to science

Thats dope! time to drop some weed and smoke some shrooms kid! : P : P

@Kiwi Hope it was worth it. :P

@Kiwi @Boss @Boss hell yeah been there done that, and microdosing on lsd as well but rn I'm pretty content just drinking water and eating fruit ;))))

I feel u on the water and fruit. macrodosing? thats cool. o wait u said micro xP

@NGKFlower @Boss Pretty Good so far! :)

NICE !!!

@NGKFlower @Boss going great! been doing some art projects and stuff