Have you ever had to sleep less than you were used to or your body needs to make a schedule work and how did you adapt?
i want to try and work full time and do online school but im not great at managing exhaustion and i already feel kinda like im on multiple cycles of different kinds of burn out. I still wanna try to make it work though
I wish I could tell you something different, Boss, but as you describe it, it seems to me that you bit off more than you can chew. Being exhausted means you will absorb 'less' of what you "learn".
The option promising the most "success" would be scheduling your online courses to the weekend, if possible. But you need to relax at some 'point'...
Depending on where you work, talking to your employer about doing less hours could be an option - if you can afford the pay-cut. Unless you plan on leaving them afterwards, the prospect of having a more qualified employee "should" be appealing to most places of work.
Other than that... The core of your problem is that the day does not have enough hours. If you can organize occasional help from friends and family (or straight up 'pay' somebody) to go grocery shopping for you, that would save some time and reduce stress. Similar with cooking and cleaning.
There are services who deliver ingredients & recipes to you. (Your favorite 'online content creators' probably have a discount codes for you.)
The only thing that will not only _not_help_ but will actively make you worse in all aspects of your life is "trying to push through", ignoring the problem while your body is already ringing the alarms. You can force yourself to reach the finish line if it's not far away anymore. But from how I understand you, that is not the case.
We make some of our worst decisions when under pressure, when we're sick, tired, or otherwise "not ourselves". It's the adult thing to ask others for help when you become aware that you are out of your depth. But at the same time the things I suggested are all very general advice. Most of the people who will read this do not know you very well. You should discuss this with somebody who 'does' know you and has a better idea about what your options are.
(The only thing's 'I' "know" about you are things I can extrapolate from a glance at your NG profile.)
Youre very right! The thing is that a 2 and a half hour nap after work, online classes, then a 5 hour sleep, with a full of off/switch days would be easily possible for a lot of people out there, but probably not me. I think the solution will sadly have to be dropping the class xP