beautiful feeling
beautiful feeling
im sorry this is very bad. sonic flipping the bird look very unrelisdick and there is no shadding and the way mario ' s beer float up into his mouth and it doent look like hes sucking his booze in. sorry dude but im gonna have to give you no stars because the image looks generic and not nengaging at all duder sorry brousillini
beautiful truly
very cool i enjoy it very much
youve done good my child
the line work emotes the perfect level of energy to match the drawing itself you have done very good
Thanks bro, but people here like colors speak here ...
very good a very intense and straight forward attitude and emotion is portrayed in this piece and it is very enjoyable to say the least of it. The strictly red white and black pallette helps bring the energy into this picture and it is a great picture
Thanks Broo ... :3
not only do i now appreciate this in its full allusion to wobafet but i also know which tumblr you are that i follow thaknn yu my good sir. i enjoy the line art it is packed with emotion that i dont think some people could even think of comprehending yes good good good
a good message i deeply think this is good 4 the kiddies especially even though the art is incredible skill no compare to small infant rats , i give you my gracious homebringing gift of word and wish you good lucksin the future
Thanks,but I don't think that I had any message that I wanted to show in this drawing, I just though it was cool.
you are my saviour
Final Boss!!!
Age 28, Male
Joined on 4/19/06