The storytelling here is incredible. Some of the best since Stan Lee's original classics I have it on high authority that this comic is excellente
The storytelling here is incredible. Some of the best since Stan Lee's original classics I have it on high authority that this comic is excellente
This piece is absolutely superb. The composition combined with the way that the colors have been laid across this beauty works magnificently. Clearly the subject material is very deep in meaning, and important to modern society.
Thank you very Much my Friend
i enjoy the surreal and abstract elements to this . i would also say the colors are very nice. the character in the center's skin color sits well on the redness of that seat. there is also evidently a theme concerning identity which is interesting subject matter
cool as hell 5/5 10/10
i hope you get crunk as fuqqqqs with your well earned ligours and draw many a awesome shits once more. The beauty of your arts is matched only by the beauty of the mental image one can ascertain by imagining dead succubi lying in the streets while men get blow jobs from real woman, all on labor day.
Dude your arts are fucking amazing. I worship golfinho because he is godly. All bow down to him
are you fat and gross
it is beautiful
woh its not weird that those lips turn me on is it. because theres something i find pretty sexy about those lips uh anyways the colors are cool on this especially on the hair and that purple space cloud thing in the background.
your art is cool and scream oss out into my tortured soul/ i love uaya. the contrast of negative space and positive space is composed in a very efficient manner and the colors are all placed perfectly to compliment each other
this is very cool. . . . ... i like their colors, not too bright, nic e and dulled the way colors are best, bich made peeps are always trying to use vety bright sexy colors nobn stop but the drab colors are the ones with the character.. these little monkey-os have maore character than a charles dickens book. which is saying a lot since that old queer wrote more than the average dude who typed shit to print a dictionaryt with.. seriously fuck charles dickens what an idiot. the marios are made neatly as pixel art ought to be but very nice and creative. i like yer cut off the jib
Final Boss!!!
Age 28, Male
Joined on 4/19/06