This gives me weird nostalgic feelings like I'm flashing back to a waking dreamstate in some far away magical world or something. I think to dissect that feeling it means that this has a really really nice and pleasing, almost subversively or maybe thats not the right word, maybe a subtly intoxicating or enlightening or awakening effect as not to connect the beauty of this piece too closely to the dreamy mysterious corners of the mind that it brings attention to... I don't know if it is merely the subject being a tree on a little hill or plain with a billowy cloudy background that does it or if there is something more to it... I have to say the use of colors is really astonishing, not only is it a perfectly creamy soft grunge-esque palette that feels like candy to look at while it soothes simultaneously, but from a color perspective, the way the sky melds from dark blue to light blue is really nice, but what REALLY blows my mind is the way that it seems like there are only a few colors used beween where it turns turquoiseish at the top. something about the hue of light blue and blueish green that you picked makes it so that you can effectively transition from blue to green in a way that completely tricks the mind, at first I really thought you had used like five or more colors just in the space at the middle of the trees leaves where it turns to blue to green in the background and squinted and looked harder and realized wow, this person just picked the absolute perfect colors to make this illusory effect. Maybe i'm just weird or stupid or thinking about the colors too much but that blew my shit away. I think possibly the way this drawing that I can't tell if it is little or humongous the more I look at it, lures me in and hypnotizes, is that there is a perfect balance of definition between the grass, trunk, leaves, and clouds, where the trunk pulls you in with detail that almost screams a miniaturized abstracted version of hyper realistic, and the rest of the picture has space the breathe which without realizing it, it pulls you deeper to the center of the picture to keep returning your mind to it...
As I read the reviews below and started to look at it I did start to notice that maybe the space of sky underneath the trees leaves almost makes it seem like the tree is clearing those clouds out of the sky in a way that makes it seem slightly awkward? the thing is I didn't even notice that until I started reading and dissecting the elements, and seeing it as that way isn't really something I have to do, it's like looking at a gif of a train, you can unsee it going on way or another etc. kind of how everything can contain its own optical illusions.
I have favorited this, this is awesome, I know I typed a whole lot but I don't think I'd go as far as to stare at this image for a meditation or anything, but it is mind blowing because it has some sort of style and essence to it that seems uncapturable. The clouds represent the cloudy light feeling of the image overall, and the trees leaves clumped together are like a reflection of the clouds, yielding little shapes that you could imagine are shapes the way one looks and watches for shapes in passing clouds..... something at this level makes me feel like this art style has extreme commercial viability and could be implemented into basically anything... you could sell this on shirts... you could have this be a background in a video game.... an animated film..... a music video.... anything. this carries a value that goes further than just leaving an amazing impression as a piece of art that also makes it seem very flexible.
Maybe I am over romanticizing soft color palettes, whatever specific style could be chalked up to define the tree, and pixel art itself, but I stand by what I have said, this is really amazing. I am so horrible because I keep looking at the tree before submitting the review. and there is just so much that is perfect about this, the salmony pink shading of the leaves that contrasts with the light bluish green in the sky to almost make the colors pop out as neon, the perfectly light orange mid tone of the leaves, the pleasentness of the green of the grass, the way that the sky turning green also reflects the way that the tree itself reflects the cloud essence of the image, the blending ability of the purplish trunk to make it so bold but still mesmerizingly hidden in plain sight