If this was cleaned up, not on lined paper, maybe the photo was edited to make it look less like just a picture or optimally if it was scanned, this would be the framework for a really good piece of art. The anatomy/composition and particular blockiness of the shapes fits well into the way people see cartoons nowadays, I think this image would actually be recognized as really nice and trendy, but like I said, being drawn on lined paper, taken a photo of it, isn't the best. Yes it looks like his neck is broken or something but that's really not that much to worry about,I think coloring it and cleaning up the spaces on the black areas where you can tell you scribbled it in would add more simple charm. While the pose looks a little unnatural, in a way since he is supposed to be swinging, it could be seen as natural and just the way the cartoon style is supposed to make it look. don't worry about being impressive, just enjoy what you do and keep drawing more